I have been slightly distracted from that which I should be focusing on, getting ready for Easter. Over the weekend, I finally broke down and bought a serger and I have been busy playing and sewing. I am also going to make my first attempts tomorrow to do some screen printing. I have my screens all ready and I am excited. I am sure there will be a bit of a learning curve but with some practice; I should get the hang of it.
I am excited about Easter this year and I have been so blessed in my life and especially this past year. It has been a bit of a trying year but I give thanks to God for the trials because, I have grown and learned a lot about myself and how to be more patient with others.
The kids are doing great and growing like little weeds. I had been looking back through the past few years of Easter photos the last few days and I am forever amazed at just how fast they grow. So, this is a reminder for me to still stay focused on enjoying and spending every minute I can being as much a part of their little lives and days as possible.
I have a list of things to do this week and I am glad that the next few days will be bringing sunshine and warmth. I need to buy some mulch and work on some flower beds and get ready to stain the playhouse again. I also want to put out a few plants in the little pots around the playhouse for Easter which means a trip to the local nursery is on my list this week as well as tossing some mulch. It will be much needed exercise.

A photo of the kids on Easter of last year.
Once the Easter holiday has passed, I can get back to creating. I think it is time too to pull the easel back out of the closet. The little guy has ask Mamaw to paint a few Spider Man paintings for his room and when Doddlebug heard this, she has requested some Little Pet Shop character paintings. I have plenty of canvas and paint and I think painting cartoons are always fun. It shouldn’t take too long once I get started. Maybe a few hours in the afternoons and I should have them several. I will be sure to post those photos when I get those painted.
Just in case I do not post again before Easter let me say, “may your Easter be special and blessed, spent with family and friends in remembrance of the love that God has for us all.”
Happy Easter!