I have been so busy around here trying to launch this little business that I have not had an interesting thought for a post here, which stinks. There are still plenty of wonderful things going on with the family and I should be sharing them.
DoodleBug graduated from kindergarten a couple of weeks ago. It was a wonderful little program and there were several grandmas and great grandmas sniffling and holding back the tears. They sang the song "Love Can Build A Bridge" by Wynona Judd. It was just beautiful to see those little faces light up while they were singing that song. I don't think there was a single grandma there with a dry eye. Even some of the grandpas teared up a bit too. I am sure some proud moms were tearing up too but there was something in my eyes and I couldn't see them. ;)
I was very upset with myself. I had not check to make sure I had full charges on the cameras and I only had enough power to snap off a couple of photos and grab a little clip or two. The school is offering a DVD of the whole program which, I ordered two.
It was not a cap and gown cermony; however, it was adorable just the same. Each kid was called by name to come and pick up their diploma. It was so fun just watching their moves and expressions and to see such pride in all their little faces.
After the cermony, Doodles got to take the rest of the day off. She was finished and so excited. She really had been looking forward to the ending of school for the last couple of weeks. Her last week of school, we were on a day to day count down. Each morning she would ask, "how many more days until I graduate?" Summer break couldn't have come at a better time for her.

A very short clip of DoodleBug on stage before the program started. You can just see how thrilled she was.
We spent much of the rest of the day at the park. Doodles played ball with her Great Granny. I think Granny had a really good time but was a bit tired afterwards.

I know DoodleBug had a good time playing with Great Granny. I think Granny had very good time with Doodles too.

As for more recent, for the Memorial day weekend, we didn't grill. We went to Famous Daves on Saturday and ate ribs instead. With the rains coming and going, we couldn't insure the tempature on the smoker so we didn't even try. Although, on Sunday evening we did build a little fire in the fire pit and Doodles roasted hot dogs and marshmellows. That was a fun evening. She was so tired from playing that day she climbed up into my lap, stretched out and fell asleep before the fire was finished. It was sweet.
Hopefully here in a few weeks, I will have the Lily Field Designs business going and the online store front running well, a system to follow and more free time...OK I am laughing now about the free time remark. If you get a chance check out the Lily Field Designs blog at lilyfielddesigns.blogspot.com and become a follwer there. I also have a fan page on facebook and the web adress is www.lilyfielddesigns.com I will provide a link on this blog to those locations very soon.
Hope everyone had a blessed holiday weekend and a great week this week.
Blessings and Hugs!