Nothing is better in the summertime than fresh, squeezed lemon aid. Everyone seems to have their spin on lemon aid and there are so many wonderful recipes. My all time favorite has to be, lavender lemon aid.
I think lavender and lemons just go together. The flavor may not be for everyone. Many folks do not care for floral/herbal flavors in their drinks. I love all of the subtleties that floral herbs bring to a warm or cold drink.
Years ago, I was introduced to lavender lemon aid while on vacation. I came right home and tried my hand to making it. The first few times that I made it, I over did it with the lavender and it was very strong. I have decided, a few teaspoons to a couple of tablespoons for me, adds plenty of flavor.
I made a bit today after doing a bit of housework. It was very refreshing.
There are many ways of making it so, if you decide to try it, check out a few recipes on line. This is how I typically make it.
I start with the juice of several lemons. I will need about 1 ½ cups of juice.I add it to a sauce pan with about 2 cups of water and heat on medium to high heat.
While that is warming, I add a couple tablespoons of lavender to a mesh teabag and toss into the pan.
Remove from heat and let it steep for 30 to 40 minutes, or longer if you really love lavender flavor.
Then I added some water and ice to a ½ gallon Ball jar, leaving enough room for the lemon/lavender mixture to be added. While the lemon/lavender mixture is still warm, add your sugar or sweetener and stir until dissolved. I used Agave sweeten my lemon aid. I do not use much sweeter of any type so, I only add a couple of teaspoons of Agave. Agave seems much sweeter than even honey so, it doesn’t take much. If you want to use regular sugar, a basic lemon aid recipe calls for about 2 cups of sugar for a half of a gallon of lemon aid. That just seems like a lot of sugar to me, for only a 1/2 of a gallon.
I poured the mixture over the ice and added more water to fill the jar to the top and stir. Remove the mesh teabag of lavender. If you really want more lavender flavor, you could let the bag rest in your lemon aid. The more lavender you use, the deeper pink to even purple color your lemon aid will be.
Serve over ice and enjoy. I do think, the next time I make a jar of lavender lemon aid; I am going to add a few sprigs of fresh mint to it while it steeps. I have never had it that way but lavender and mint do work well together.
I like to save my lemons rinds. I add them to a jar of white vinegar and sit in the window sill for a week or so. Then I strain the vinegar off and store in a jar. I use the vinegar as a citrus infused household cleaner. You can add a few more drops of lemon essential oil, if you would like.
When I am ready to use it, I add ¼ cup of vinegar to a spray bottle, fill the rest of the way up with water and shake. It is great for cleaning in the kitchen or bathroom. I do not use it on the windows or mirrors. The oils from the lemons will leave oily streaks on glass surfaces.
I just love how pretty and colorful the lemons mixture looks sitting in the window sill too. It just says, "summer."
May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine upon your window pane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near to you and
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine upon your window pane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near to you and
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Until next time, many blessings!