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Doodlebug and Papaw sure had a good time making cheese several weeks ago. Papaw picked up a cheese making kit when he was in Atlanta. He knew it would be a good homeschool science project for him and Doodles to do together. As you can see from the little video, they had a great time in the kitchen.
We stay so busy these days it is hard for me to find time to blog much. Doodlebug has been taking an enrichment geography class and a gymnastics class on Mondays. She has really been enjoying it so much. She should be going today but bless her heart, her allergies have really been giving her a hard time this spring and she isn't feeling real well today. She is so stuffy and I am afraid she may have a sinus infection because of the allergies. I had one myself last week but I can tolerate my home remedy to put an end to it but she can't handle it. I will be so glad when the tree pollens are down some but then, “Hello Grass Pollen!”
Will write again when I can. I am promising to try harder over the next few weeks.
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