I know we have been a bit crazy lately and all caught up with our chickens so, let me apologize and say, I am sorry if we have seemed a bit obsessed the last few days. I know the eggcitement will die down soon. {grin} I did want to share this with you though. Can you believe the very first egg our chicken laid was a double yoked egg? I am sure it is a maturity thing but I did research what the odds were of getting double yokes. The stats say, only one in every 1,000 eggs produced in this country is double-yolked.
So, you maybe asking yourself the same thing we did, what about egg number two? Believe it or not, it too was a double yoked egg. They were small yokes but we were impressed with her first attempts and giving us doubles. If I played the lottery, I would be buying a ticket tomorrow.

Now we are laughing it up and wondering how many doubles in a row could this gal lay? We'll let you know.

Doodles got back this evening and we had to fry them up and make egg sandwiches. They were delicious too. She had her's over easy and I scrambled mine up. Papaw said he would try a bite but let us gals have the first two eggs. Tomorrow's egg is all his. We are looking forward to the other gals getting busy here very soon too. Who knows, maybe tomorrow there will be more than one egg in the nesting boxes.

Doodles wants to raise goats and rabbits next. She really wants to turn this place into a "real farm" as she calls it. It has been a wonderful teaching opportunity raising the chicks with her and she felt a real sense of accomplishment while eating her egg sandwich.
Now I promise, no more mention of our chickens again for a while unless...they do something eggtraordinary.
Hope you all have a great week!
Many blessings!!!
Please don't stop mentioning the chickens! I love it!