
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The dictionary defines devotion as "profound dedication; consecration." 

The word "devotion" kept popping into my mind, over and over this past weekend, as I watched my husband's family, "my" family band together as his mom went through heart surgery. 
I wonder at times, how can some families come together in such stressful times with a love and concern; at the same time be so positive for each other, while silently holding their breaths because of the seriousness of the moment.  Being with the family over the weekend, gave me an opportunity to see the very best come out in most people. I know stress for some families can tear them apart. I am amazed at how some/most come together and the situation makes them grow even closer. I think this is where devotion and a deep abiding love for each other has a chance to shine.

When most of us think about the word devotion, immediately the word "love" pops in our minds. It does seem like the words just naturally flow together, love and devotion. I do not think either could exist without the other. Think about it, devotion without love? Or, love without devotion?
At church last Sunday, the pastor was speaking on marriage and he said, "when it comes to marriage, we all need to remember 1+1=1." It is so easy to see that equation in the lives of my husband's parents. We have been blessed over the years to witness love and devotion in their actions with one another. They are truly devoted to each other. After 31 years of marriage for Papaw and I too, we feel blessed that this equates to our marriage as well.

My mother-in-law is doing so very well. She is amazing. The doctors and nurses at the hospital said, they had never witnessed a quicker recovery for someone that had the procedures Grammie had. She is still continuing to do well and has not even needed pain medicine. We believe she will be coming home from the hospital this evening or tomorrow. Her success through this whole ordeal, I do believe can only be attributed to the grace of God and prayer and also through love, devotion and the support of her family. We give thanks to God for our answered prayers and for all that He has blessed our lives with. 

So, with Grammie's surgery behind us, we have Papaw's coming up on Friday. Please remember him in your prayers as well. He says, now that his mom has upstaged him, he won't be able to whine. I told him of course he could if he needed to and I don't mind. 

Thanks for your prayers for our family! Blessings to you all! 

1 comment:

  1. have a lot on your plate!! good luck with everything and everyone. Your parents sound like great ole models for life!!


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