The past couple of weeks have been relaxing. We finished up our homeschooling a couple of weeks ago. We really just took a break from it all for a couple of weeks. Doodlebug will be continuing on with math and reading throughout the summer. She also will continue her ice skating lessons. She just started taking horseback riding lessons with a young fellow from church. She is really excited about the riding lessons. So, we will be busy.

Now that our traditional school day is on hold for a few weeks this summer, Papaw and I have been having a day or two to ourselves here and there. A few days ago, we pulled out our motorcycles and went for a ride. It was a beautiful day for it. I had forgotten how much I love riding. We went for lunch at a little BBQ place and then on into the park. We stopped for a while just to sit on a rock and watch the fish swim. It was so good just to relax for a bit in nature. The outing was just enough to get my mind reeling and working to plan a camping trip before the summer ends.
Papaw relaxing by the creek.
Our garden is doing really good. We have had some trouble with cabbage worms but I think that season is about behind us. Last night we had our first bits of squash from the garden, zucchini and yellow. I cubed them up with an onion and we grilled them, they were delicious.
We are so thrilled over our sugar snap peas. We love them so and our plants are loaded with them. Yum!
Hope you all are having a wonderful summer.
Many blessings!