It has been a while since my last blog post. It is my first post since eblogger has updated us all. I do not embrace change, when it comes to getting use to how certain things work on computers. I feel like we learn something just in time for the next change. I am going to give it my best try here and I hope, I figure out how to write, format and properly post a new entry.
Our garden is coming in quiet well. We were probably overly anxious this year about getting our garden going. We had many evenings that we were out tenting sheets over our plants to protect them from frost. Next year, we will pay attention to our neighbors around that have been growing gardens successfully for years and start when they do. Although I must say, it is nice to see our garden flourishing and we are getting things like kale, spinach and radishes already. Papaw is thrilled with his garden so much so, he is already planning to enlarge it a bit next year.

Our little hobo that came to us many weeks ago is doing so well. He has gained weight and appears to be healthy. We had a vet to stop by and see him to give him his shots and test for heart worms. He says he is is fine and is one lucky fellow. It seems it has taken him weeks to really get his body restored from the starvation that he went through. Where ever he came from, we just feel blessed he is our dog now. He is so lively. He loves playing with Doodlebug too. He is her shadow. He also follows Papaw to the hen house daily. He always wants to get in on a treat. Papaw has taken to keeping doggie treats in the barn. When he takes the treats out to the gal, he always takes a few doggie treats out for Buddy. Oh, Doodlebug decided to call him Buddy. Everyone would always call him by saying, "come here buddy." He is everyone's buddy here and we love him.
Hope you all are doing well. Until next time, blessings!
Somehow, I can't remember exactly now, I was able to go back to the old Blogger Dashboard view. There was a button for it...Check on your dashboard.