We did manage to sqeeze in an 11 day vacation, with the help of our son. We would not have been able to leave for that long, if he had not helped us out. Daily, he cared for our chickens. He also looked after our cat Lucy and Buddy our dog. He also watered our garden. He is such a good egg, that is what I always say to him. I am so grateful to him for helping to make our vacation possible so, thank you Joey! We love and appreciate you so very much.
We took Doodlebug camping. We had a really great time. We took Doodlebug to a nearby waterfall. She and Papaw hiked up it. She loved it. She is such an adventurous kid. She stayed with us for 7 days and then she went home. Papaw and I had some well needed time to just relax. We spent our days alone there just relaxing and reading a bit. We hiked around the lake, swam and just enjoyed a bit of down time.
We returned home from the campout, to see the garden was overflowing with veggies that needed to be picked and put away. Thank God, our son had been watering it. With the heat we have had lately, if he had not watered it, we wouldn't have had a garden to come home to.
The garden has grown pretty well. We do know now, next year we will be expanding it outward. Right now, we have to wade through the squash to pick it. We have also learned, the tomato plants are set too closely together.
We had no idea that Roma tomato plants grew more like a bush. Next year, we will have to find a better way to stake up the plants and space them out. We have noticed that we have a bit of bloom rot on our Roma tomato plants and we have treated for that. I do hope that we solve that problem because our tomato plants are loaded and we were looking forward to canning some of those.
We have picked okra, green beans, sugar snaps, peppers, spinach, kale, several types of squash and a few cucumbers already. I do wish we would have planted more cucumbers, green beans and sugar snap peas. This being our first real attempt to plant a garden, we had no idea how much to plant. We are taking notes for next year. There are many things I know we will be planting less of and things we will be planting much more of.

We have had an abundance of squash, of all types. I am really looking forward to our fall squash. I think we are going to have a good harvest of butternut and acorn squash. I am excited about that. We love acorn and butternut.

The spaghetti squash has been a very good crop too. I wished I knew a way of canning this type of squash. We have been making refrigerator salads and eating it with sauce in place of pasta. I would love to know how to preserve this and put it away, while being able to maintain its noodle like texture.
Papaw and I have been enjoying our evenings together, spent weeding and picking. It seems like the perfect way to relax after a long day, even if we are working. Up until this heat wave, we looked forward to our late afternoons working in the garden. We are now looking forward to a much needed break from such high temperatures soon. I do hope the weather man is right and next week will bring much needed rain and cooler evenings.
I am grateful to God for all of our blessings and summer goodness. I do hope you all had a wonderful fourth of July and are finding wonderful ways to say cool and beat the heat.
Until next time,
Many blessings to you all!
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