I can't believe I let most of the summer go by without posting a blog or two. I have to just be honest, I guess I was suffering from blogger's block. Even though, I was busy enough with the garden and canning and would have had content to share, I just had no desire what so ever to blog. I guess I just didn't have a desire to share my days. I think I am still suffering from a lack of words but felt I should at the very least, post something. Who knows, maybe my blogging spirit will return this winter.
Our new garden spot was a success this year. We did a lot of canning and putting produce in the freezer. I know we will be feeling blessed this winter. In the garden now, we still have kale, collards, turnip greens, spinach and sugar snap peas. All of those things like the cooler weather. We have really been enjoying our collard greens and the chickens have enjoyed them too.
Doodlebug has been finding things to love about the cooler weather and the beautiful fall days. She has loved doing her laundry and using the clothesline. As you can tell from the photo, she is still very much so into bright colors. I am still having a hard time with how much she has grown. She is now 9 years old. Wow, do I feel old.
Well, my words are few but my heart is full. I wish you all the very best and maybe, just maybe, I'll be in a blogging mood again before long.
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