
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

That's A Wrap Folks!

I am ready to shout, "that's a wrap" to the summer of 2013. With the very light winter past here in the southeast and an abundance of rain, the bug population got a huge leg or wing up this summer. Papaw took this photo of a preying mantis in the garden last week. I am not sure if you can tell but it was almost 6 inches long. Yes I said, 6 inches long! Get your rulers out and mull that one over.

We have been overrun with bugs of all types this summer. The most hated among them for me are, the mosquitoes, gnats and those dog gone squash boring beetles. Those bugs have wreaked havoc all summer long and I am so over them. Can't you almost just invision me stomping my foot and pouting?

With all the excess rain, nothing really wanted to grow in the garden except for weeds and grass. We did get some veggies but it wasn't bumper crops for sure. You can note all that grass in the photo too.

With all the moisture this summer, there are no need to worry about the extinction of the mosquito and gnat species. They made working in the garden unbearable because, it would take days to recover from being bitten so much. I am a mosquito magnet and tend to be a bit allergic to the bites so, I avoid being bitten almost at all cost. I missed the evenings spent in the garden picking with Papaw like last year. I just couldn't take the bites.

With all my dissatisfaction with summer, my curiosity about winter peaked and I popped over to see what the Farmer's Almanac was predicting for winter this year for the United States. You can read it for yourself here. We need some seriously cold winter to equal the score up with the insect population so, bring on winter. I am ready!!! OK, I say that now. I do hope I am not blogging/whining in February about the cold weather.

I am excited about fall. I am wondering when the real break in the temperature will come. I can't wait for the first cold snap in the air, when walk outside brings a rejuvenation of spirit. To feel the need to lightly bundle up, see your breath in the air and to smell the fresh air with the hints of burning wood from homes in the neighborhood. I do think fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh yes, I am ready for a change. I am ready to say goodbye to 85-89 degree, humid days of summer. Oh well, I guess I should stop complaining and go get on the tractor and do a bit of mowing and trimming around here. Did I mention that I am really tired of mowing grass too? LOL Here's to fall and winter! Forgive me for complaining. I can look on the bright side of it all too. My grass has reseeded several times over this season. I am going to have a fabulous lawn next summer. Oh yea!

Hope you all have had a blessed and maybe less buggy, moisture laden summer than we have.

Many Blessings!

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