
Monday, January 4, 2010

Chasing The Snow

This morning we woke up to light snow fluries and bitter cold weather. Hannah noticed the snow fluries after breakfast when she spotted the deer out by the pond. I felt sorry for her because when we did have a bit of snow at the start of her Christmas holiday break from school, she was very sick and couldn't be outside. Since she is well now and today was her last day off from school, I layered her up and grabbed our snow gear and cameras and we headed to the mountains. We knew we were sure to find snow and sure enough we did. It was so beautiful up in the park as usual. The photo above is of Hannah at our first little stop at the sight of snow to take photos. The view of the mountains at this spot was lovely but there was so much more snow coming down the higer up we drove.

If you would like to see the photos we took they will be posted up at Flickr in a little while.

The snow coming down today was so light and the flakes even seemed to be odd in make up. They reminded me of the dust bunnies under the sofa except these could melt. I wished my dust bunnies could.

We really had such a good day today. Hannah's mood has been giddy and giggly all day. I was happy to see that considering school is starting back tomorrow. She is excited about returning to school and I am happy to see that. We never know what attitude a little one might take when it comes time to return to kindergarten. I am just grateful she is looking forward to it. However, they weather forcast for us on Thursday and Friday is 3 to 6 inches in the valley. I told a friend just this morning that it would be now that we would get that snow and the kids would miss a couple of days from school due to snow just when we are trying to get them adjusted to getting back at it. I don't mind though, we have been waiting for the past couple of years for a good snow that would be sled worthy and we could build a decent snowman.

Here's to seeing what Thursday and Friday bring!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sharing the family with family.

Well, I am new to this whole idea of blogging. I decided to start a blog to share photos and videos in one place with the great grandparents and aunts and uncles who do not live so close. When my first grand child was born, my husband worked at getting together a really good little software package to make a photo gallery on the internet to share photos with the family. I kept the little gallery up to date but, with all the changes to software these days, it just seemed easier to go out and do something on the web with one of the photo hosting services and maybe just start a blog. So, here I am. I am sure until I beat the blogging curve, my blog may be a bit dull and probably a mess but we all need to start somewhere.

For Christmas Joe (my hubby/secret Santa) gave me Photoshop Elements 8 and I really had been wanting that software. After doing a bit of surfing and learning more about the software, I decided as well to start a blog and share my photos, processes and my GRANDS.

I have always loved photography and video editing and was very blessed to have grandkids to photograph and make movies of. I am sure I am like the proud parent who pulls out the wallet to share photos and the photo holder drops to the ground because just having the current photos is too limiting. I am finding that I love every shot and find something cute in it and it is hard to hit the delete button. I have been shooting digital photos since about 1997 and I still have all those photos on the hard drive, if that tells you anything. I have stacks of DVD spindles with the backups burned of the video and photo footage. Recently Joe gave me an external hard drive so I can do back ups much easier and that hard drive is stored in a different location in a fire safe. I give great grandparents copies of almost everything so, if ever need be to, I have someone to go to restore in the event of something happening to my home or computer.

Well, I will be blogging a bit about the kids from time to time and about the photos I take and the processes I use. I am intersted in learning all that I can about PSE8 so, if your into it and want to give me pointers or feedback, I would love to hear it.

Until later...Blessings & Hugs!!!
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