
Monday, July 18, 2011

More Eggcitement

Breaking news from the hen house: We have just discovered that indeed we do have 2 chickens laying a double yoke egg on an almost daily basis. We noticed that we had an extra large egg daily. Then just today, Papaw said, two of the gals are laying the extremely large double eggs. We cracked a few of those open over the weekend and they always have double yokes. Yeah! Now when a recipe calls for two eggs, I'll just use one of our daily doubles.

A Hen House Moment

While in the hen house this weekend re-stuffing nesting boxes with straw, a hen laid an egg on the floor right beside my foot. As you can see in the video clip, the gal wasn't happy. I knew she was ready to lay and couldn't get comfy in the nesting boxes because there was very little straw in them. I went to get the box of straw to get busy re-stuffing but couldn't get it done quick enough. She just backed up in the corner on the floor and dropped her egg in the pine flakes. It was kind of neat. All of the gals seem to be doing well and we are now getting seven eggs a day. That still means, one or two are still not laying daily or they are rotating who gets a day off.

While at the produce stand over the weekend, talking to a couple of old farmers, one was wondering if we would want a breeding pair of quail. We have no idea what raising quail would be like but are going to look into it. If you have any input to the pros or cons of raising quail, please let me know. Comment here or send me an email. I sure would appreciate it.

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to "meet" you, Teresa, and thank you for your kind comment! You just answered a very important question for me, because I've occasionally found double yolked eggs when I buy brown eggs at the grocery. One double yolk = two for a recipe. Good to know!

    And yes, we are very familiar with educational material hoarding! I try to be good, but sometimes you find a book or workbook or something that is so tempting...:o)

    Peace and Laughter!


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