
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Someone ask me this past week...

"So, what have you been up to?" For a moment, I had no response. I had to really stop and think for a minute, what have I done all week? It isn't like I haven't been busy. My response was, "ah, not much." Then I did a mind recount of the week's events and this is what I came up with.

Mostly, I spend much of the week hanging out and playing with Doodlebug. We spent the week making a few new outfits for her American Girl doll. She really enjoyed that. She had me to make a dress to match a fall dress that I had made her last fall for her doll. We also made an old fashioned dress too, which is requiring a bonnet and I am in search of pattern for that.

 We also picked a world of tomatoes, green and red. Put a few quarts in the freezer for soups and fried up a few green ones. Those were yummy!

In between crafting with Doodles and working around here, I have been trying to reorganize the sewing room a bit. I started refolding a lot of the fabric and trying to have my fabric stash a bit more visible. It never fails when starting a sewing project, I dig through the stacks of fabric and my shelves are a mess by the time I am done. So, I decided to get it together and get that shelf straightened up. I blog surfed for a bit of inspiration. I am amazed of all the creative ways you gals come up with for organizing your sewing rooms.

I started folded fabric in my spare time for a couple of days only to realize, I wasn't going to be any better off when I was finished. My fabric would still have to be stacked and I would still be digging and making a mess of that self with every project. So, I was back to blog surfing to find some answers. I found really neat fabric organizer boards but they were not within my budge. I kept surfing until I ran across several folk's suggestions of using magazine boards or comic book boards to fold the fabric around. I found a  board that suited my needs, it was BCW "life" magazine boards, 10 7/8 X 14 7/8 inches.They are certified to be acid free so, I won't have to worry about them having an affect on the fabric color. I just placed the order yesterday for the boards. I can't wait until I get them and get things straightened up a bit in here again. I'll let you all know how that works out.

Also, this past week a friend shared with us, several DVDs about the universe and the planets. We watched a couple of those with Doodles. She is always interested in the planets and outer space. She is certain that aliens must exist.  She sweet talked Papaw into working the solar system puzzle with her and they talked a bit about the planets.

I do think Doodlebug is starting to look forward to the start of her homeschool routine again. Papaw and I went on Tuesday to sign her up for her homeschool enrichment classes.

One of the classes that we signed her up for was "Hands on Shakespeare."They will be doing a performance of The Tempest. It should be a lot of fun for her. As you can see from her video clips throughout the blog, she has no fear being in front of a video camera. Put her on a stage and she becomes a completely different Doodlebug. She has a case of stage fright so, we are in hopes this will help her over come that a bit. She loves reading scripts and preforming a play at home. Over the weekend we found a couple of fun books for this school term. They are Scholastic's Folk & Fairy Tale Plays for Building Fluency. This book is for 2nd to 3rd grade reading levels. We also picked up Scholastic's 12 Fabulously Funny Fairy Tale Plays. I can't wait to do Rafunzel and no, I didn't spell it incorrectly. Spiderella also sounds like it may be fun too.

I can't blog without an update from the hen house. Our hens are really keeping up production so, I knew making a couple of breakfast quiche' would cut down on the surplus a bit. These were so tasty. I think I will be making a couple of lemon pound cakes this week for Papaw. That will use up a few more eggs.

And last but certainly not least, we have been doggie sitting Bones. It is like romper room here when we have Bones and Doodles too. It is never quiet, until they are asleep. He gets kind of lonely when she goes home. He is a sweet dog and I enjoy having him around.

So, there you have it, our week as it was. Hope you all had a great week.


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